
Creating a Legacy for local schools

“One of the brightest stars ever to shine in Breconshire’s skies. The woman who, by becoming the first Welsh Woman Councillor, opened the portals of public life to the remainder of the women of Wales.” - Elsie Pritchard, Brycheiniog, 1983, Vol 20

Through a partnership with Brecon’s Muse Agency, a digital resource for use in schools - which will sit within the Expressive Arts and the Humanities Areas of Learning and Experience - has been undertaken. It will include:

  1. Creating a set of digital source material, including photographs of objects and artwork from collections, images of the donation books, descriptions of Gwenllian Morgan and her work, and include people and history that surrounds her and her work. These will include short films, images and powerpoint that could then be used by teachers and pupils in the classroom, or by museum educators. This resource can be shared digitally with local schools and beyond.

2. A series of activities based on Gwenllian’s life and achievements that will be used by KS2 and KS3 teachers and pupils. These will facilitate the new curriculum for Wales, and ensure teachers are developing project work to enable pupils to meet the 'What Matters Statements' and deliver on the Four Core Purposes.

 A young Gwenllian. Taken by her friend Cyril Flower, 1st Baron Battersea and MP from Brecon 1880-1885. This photo is in the National Portrait Gallery archive.

Our Stories

Brecon Story

Brecon Story offers an insight to the ‘fabric’ of our town - what makes it special, both now and because of the stories that have shaped its history and the heritage buildings that we are so proud of.

Both our residents and people who visit the town can be enriched by the knowledge and context that these stories offer you.

"Bringing Gwenllian Morgan to Life"

Brecon Women's History Group

Brecon enjoys a rich history, going back to the mid-5th century. While women have played key roles in that history, their stories have not been well researched or celebrated.

Your Stories

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