Tuesday 25th January 2022

16.30 - 18.00

Online - using Zoom

Level - Beginner/Moderate


Audio stories can be a powerful way to record someone speaking, music or even sounds in the environment. Learn how to record and edit audio clips using a smart phone or laptop on this great course designed to get you started.

Marissa Holden at Holden Media Pro specialises in helping people get started creating videos and audio recordings with confidence.


Please note that we only have limited spaces on this course and hope to repeat it if it is popular. Should you book but then find you cannot attend, please let us know so someone else locally can benefit from this free training.

If you need help in starting to use Zoom, please get in touch as we can help you with this before the course.

BOOKING  click here to use the booking link or contact Brecon Story at breconstory@gmail.com


Brecon Story training is funded by the National Lottery Heritage fund

brecon story training funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund